Thursday, December 22, 2011

SHORT COURSES for Professionals

Primavera Project Planner (P3)

Request for new date. REGISTER NOW!
For upcoming date and event & registration please direct your inquiries to me: e-mail; Tel: 607-5531636 (office)

Previous Courses:


Level 1

Date: 1-2 November, 2010 (UTM International Campus KL)
Attended by participants from:
Petronas & Ramunia Oil & Gas

P3 Complete
Date: 23 & 30 October 2010 (Pontian Johor)
In-house training for staffs of Hening Cipta SB.

Level 1
Date: 23-24 Jun, 2009 (UTM CityCampus KL)
Attended by 10 participants from:
Pembinaan Tenompok SB, Pembinaan & Pembangunan Serantau SB, KLCC Projeks SB, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Ansaldo STS Malaysia SB.

Level 1
Date: 9-10 Nov, 2009 (UTM CityCampus KL)
Attended by 16 participants from:
EJ Joint Venture SB, Yazif Jaafar Architect, Konsultant Proses SB, Toyo Engineering & Construction SB, among others

Level 1
Date: 16-17 March, 2010 (UTM CityCampus KL)
Attended by 7 participants from:
IIUM, UKM, MMC Oil & Gas, among others

Microsoft PROJECT 2010

In-house training MSProject 2010
Date: 22-23 December, 2011 (IKBN Kuala Langat)
Attended by 10 trainees

In-house training MSProject Complete
Date: 16-18 October, 2010 (CICT Building UTM)
Attended by 23 staffs of Public Work Dept (JKR) Melaka

Level 1
Date: 15-16 July, 2009 (UTM CityCampus KL)
Attended by 14 participants from:
Perunding Jati SB, Protank EBT SB, KLCC Projeks SB, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Ranhill Water Services SB, Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan, Mercu Buana SB, GJ Runding SB, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Putrajaya, SEGI University College.

Example of using Mind-maps with MS Project 2010 book

It's beneficial to use mind-mapping instead of only Chapters in manuals (book). You can follow your needs and desire :-)

Here are some samples that anyone can follow:

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Private Primavera P3 & MS Project Training Course

We need a good number of participant before we can go on with a short-course. So, if you are interested or are searching for a private Primavera P3 or MS Project 2010 training course, please contact me directly. Also please don't forget to provide me with your background information so that your name can be placed into a database and contacted when a short-course is imminent. Your participant is greatly appreciated.

Please e-mail or